Weshalb Dir diese Reise gefallen wird
Diese Ostafrikareise kombiniert das Beste einer klassischen Safari mit paradiesischen Stränden. Erkunde zunächst die unberührte Natur Tansanias und spüre im Anschluss die Sonne Sansibars auf Deiner Haut.
Die Höhepunkte
Deine Reise beginnt in der Stadt Arusha, die für ihre Kaffeeplantagen bekannt ist (ein absolutes Paradies für Kaffeeliebhaber!). Danach geht’s weiter zum weltberühmten Ngorongoro-Krater und den scheinbar endlosen Weiten im Serengeti Nationalpark.
Auf Safari ähnelt kein Tag dem anderen. Es erwarten Dich täglich neue Safariabenteuer, die dein Herz höherschlagen lassen. Erlebe Afrikas faszinierende Tierwelt aus verschiedenen Perspektiven – bei einer kurzen Buschwanderung oder aus der Luft bei einer Heißluftballonfahrt.
Im Anschluss spazierst Du die weißen Sandstrände Sansibars entlang, die herrliche Entspannung und Ruhe versprechen. Hier gibt es natürlich auch jede Menge Cocktails! Schwimme im warmen Indischen Ozean, entdecke beim Schnorcheln die artenreiche Unterwasserwelt und lerne die inspirierenden Kulturen der Insel kennen. Du solltest schnell buchen, denn diese Reise ist ein beliebter Bestseller!
Deine spektakulären Reiseziele

1 Nacht
You'll start your adventure in the gateway to Tanzania and its cultural capital, Arusha. Set at the foot of Mount Meru and Mount Kilimanjaro (no biggie, just the highest mountain in all of Africa!). So, this backdrop alone makes the town worth visiting!
However, Arusha is also well-known for its thriving coffee plantation. So, if you consider yourself a bit of a coffee snob, you'll really enjoy visiting the coffee plantations and getting a taste of their brews! If you like tasting your way through your travel journeys, Arusha is the place to explore the local food markets. You'll also find some shopping treasures along the way! We hope you packed light ;-)

2 Nächte
Ngorongoro Crater
As the only intact caldera globally and nearly three million years old, the Ngorongoro Crater is a magical place. Add to that the hordes of animals that call it home, overflowing unique fauna and flora, and you get a safari paradise! Other than the classic Big 5, these include the rare and endangered creatures like the black rhino and giant tusked elephant.
Another highlight is seeing the flamboyance of flamingos feasting on the algae in Lake Magadi. With a flurry of pink feathers, you'll feel like you're seeing double with their reflections on the water. Get your taste of the local culture by spending some with the Maasai. There's some really interesting stuff to do here, such as running with Maasai warriors or spending time learning about their culture and customs.

3 Nächte
Serengeti National Park
If you haven't heard about Serengeti National Park yet, well, you must've been living under a rock! But perhaps you've heard of the Great Migration? This is when millions of wildebeest followed by zebra and gazelle, as well as hungry predators, traverse across Kenya and Tanzania following greener pastures.
This annual event is very time-sensitive as you need to be in the right place at the right time to catch them. Well, lucky for you, we've got in the inside scoop! But even if you go when the Great Migration is not in town, you'll love the endless open plains filled to the brim with wildlife for unforgettable safaris. And not to mention the hot air balloon safaris you can go on for a bird's-eye view!

4 Nächte
Zanzibar Archipelago
Ah, is there a better way to end your African adventure than on an island? And Zanzibar is what island dreams are made of! Because it's a bit more off the beaten track than, say, Mauritius. Because it's located only 40km from Tanzania's mainland, it's a hop, skip, and jump to include this as your final destination.
Although all our tours are tailor-made, we do suggest that you set aside enough days to explore them thoroughly! Other than bottom-less cocktails on the beach, you can look forward to snorkelling in the crystal-clear water, various other watersports, and exploring the local cultural treasures. For example, Zanzibar is nicknamed "Spice Island" because it's such a big producer of fragrant, flavourful spices and was once an important part of the spice trade.